... lest we ever forget, dogs were hunting and scavenging long before words like pellets, tins, conveyor belts & over-processed kibble had made it into the Oxford dictionary. Dogs and cats are finely-tuned carnivores, anatomically assembled to accommodate raw, ‘nutrient-packed’ meat.
Raw, unlike their cooked or over-processed rivals, provides extra nutritious goodness, enhanced vitality and stamina and a natural shield against all manner of unfortunate afflictions.
better overall health
better digestion and less digestive upsets such as colitis, runny stools
fewer and better formed stools
better smelling breath, less tartar, cleaner teeth
glossier coats
more stamina
no itchiness
food enjoyment
a calmer, yet more focused, nature

Feeding guidelines
To defrost the product, we suggest leaving it somewhere cool (not warm) overnight. Should you forget to take your pet food out in advance you can microwave on the ‘defrost’ setting - BUT never ever allow the food to cook!
Should your pet’s meal still be partially frozen at feeding time, add some warm water from a kettle and allow it to sit for 5 minutes.
FEEDING (Rule of thumb)
When feeding raw it’s generally recommended that you aim to feed 2-3% of the animal's ideal body weight, spread over two meals per day.
A simple method of calculating 2% is to take the animal's ideal weight (for example, 20kg), add a zero to this figure (= 200) and feed this amount in grams per meal (if feeding twice per day).
By and large puppies should be fed to appetite from around 4-6 weeks, until around 3-4 months of age, when you should be feeding 5-6% of the animal's ideal body weight for their age, spread over four meals per day.
From 6 months of age, meal portions should be reduced to 2 meals a day.
As your dog approaches maturity, start reducing the total daily amount to 2-3%, but keep a careful eye on their weight and reduce or increase their portion size as necessary.
N.B. There are no hard and fast rules for feeding - every animal has a different metabolism and nutritional requirements, so feeding should be tailored to his or her individual needs.